Rebecca Rassi
Rebecca Sprow-Rassi has served as Director of our Music Ministry since 2005. A farm girl from Ney, Ohio, Becky began playing the piano for church and choirs while in Jr. High. She attended Taylor University and Fort Wayne Bible College, where she majored in music education and piano pedagogy. She has served in church music ministry for 35+ years as pianist, organist, Director of adult, youth and children’s choirs, hand-bells, praise bands, Celtic band and ukulele groups. Becky teaches piano, hammered dulcimer and pre-school music classes at Friese Studio.
Becky married Allen Rassi in 1984. They have four children, and according to Becky life with Allen is wonderful (and never boring!)
Favorite hymn: Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Life verse: Matt. 6:33; Seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.
Favorite quote: “Join the Choir!”