The First Sunday of each month is Communion Sunday
You can join us by taking communion at home during our pre-recorded service online. Below are some helpful instructions to help you prepare for this sacred service. Communion (the Lord’s Supper) is an ordinance given to all believers by Jesus as a way for us to remember his sacrifice for us, to symbolize the new covenant, and to experience our communion and connection with one another and with Jesus Christ. The elements of bread and wine/juice represent Christ’s broken body and shed blood.
Stop by the Church Office or the Church Prayer Room (call the church office for the door lock combination) and pick up your sealed, individual juice cup & wafer set
Use your own grape juice and bread
Participate in our online worship service by standing if you’re able (at the appropriate times), singing, confessing, and praying together with the gathered community
When you have finished receiving the elements, you may want to take a moment for personal prayer
Participate in our COMMUNION SERVICE
NOTE: The communion elements have been blessed and dedicated for God’s use. Therefore, if there are extras leftover, these should be consumed immediately or returned to the earth---the grape juice can be poured into the grass or around some flowers & the bread can be crumbled for the birds to enjoy.
First Sunday of every month
10:30 am - 11:30 am